1704 the battle of blenheim

  terrain model
  data acquisition
The Battle of Blenheim on August 13, 1704 rewrote European history. It caused the retreat in the Spanish war of succession (1701-1714) - the global dispute about the Spanish empire and about the future of the political order in Europe. The armies of the great European powers met at the Danube river. 
Within the framework of a large exhibition to celebrate the 300 anniversary of this memorable event, QUOMODO.de was tasked by the Bavarian Castle Administration with a digital animation of the course of the battle. 
A scaled terrain model of the historical site served as the base and projection surface.

Historical battle plan     
(© Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung)     

Höchstädt Castle, Danube

Permanent Exhibition
Inaugurated June 2004

Google Earth Location