eifel national park                                 

  Concept Visitor Centers
  Terrain Models
  Visitor Centers - 4 Locations
Since the the foundation of the National Park in 2004 many nature and culture related activities in the region have joined to make up a network which allows for more transparent and consistent services to the visitors of the North Eifel area. Within this scenario the visitor centers in the periphery of the park will play a dominant role. Each center serves as a highly professional information platform, which, with respect to architecture and services, is a significant touristical impact in the region. Visitors may receive conventional information media and individual advice and furthermore can find small but informative exhibitions attached to the centers. Part of these services are the Interactive Terrain Models which summarize a vast amount of spatial information, - visualized, animated and in interaction with a physical relief model.

Visitor centers (dots) in the periphery   
of the National Park   

Imbedding of the infrastucture into the local relief

Top: Visitor center Rurberg
Service tract on the right, exhibition hall on the left